Dear Family,

It's impossible to put into words what the last 19 years with our team has meant to me and done for me professionally, and without a doubt, personally.  I have had the privilege and honor to bring life to and raise Jaxson for almost two decades.  This has been an incredibly fun, challenging and extremely rewarding journey.  I've been asked often over the years, "When do you think you'll retire?"  My answer was usually either tomorrow or some other time.  Well, the time has come.  I met with Mark Lamping a few weeks back and shared that I have decided to move on to my next career.  But no worries, I'm not leaving Duval.  I'll be coming soon to a TV, radio or internet thing near you.

I feel lucky to be walking away, literally, because I'm pretty sure I've gone through more than the standard 9 lives cats have.  I take with me so many great memories from performing at over 200 games, 7,000+ appearances and some unreal, pinch-yourself moments that never once made this feel like work.  I will forever be grateful to the hundreds of staff, coaches, players and cheerleaders I've had the privilege to work with.  Your love, support and yes, at times, tolerance are appreciated more than you know. 

To the Weavers, I love you and simply can't thank you enough for giving me a chance, and for then giving me second chances :)

To Mr. Khan and Mark Lamping, it's been a pleasure having a front row seat for the past 3 years to some truly great moments and achievements in our team’s history.  It's been my passion to entertain the Jaguars fan base and help it grow. I’m proud of what has been accomplished and am confident that, in the words of Delores Weaver, the best is yet to come!

Finally to the fans, what can I say? YOU made Jaxson who he is. Your laughter, applause, cheers and support are things I am certain a doctor would classify as an addiction for me.  I would not have lasted 19 seasons without you.  YOU are what made this decision the toughest, but knowing that I'll get to CIRCLE UP at the Slab, sit in the stands and get rowdy on game days makes this a "sweetsweet" moment in my life! 

It was an honor being your mascot.

Forever DTWD,
Curtis Dvorak